Terms for power transmission belt drives 电力机械操作的手爪机械动力传输带术语
Fast mounting technology of the high power belt conveyor in main blind shaft 主斜井强力带式输送机快速安装工艺
The motor transmit the power via a belt to the rear wheel. 车后轮和电机连接的是用皮带,很有趣。
The high-speed and high-precision rotation of the spindle can be realized without transmitting power through the conveyer belt to improve the output, save the electric energy and reduce the noise; 不需要传输带传输动力即可实现锭子高速、高精度自身旋转提高产量,节约电能,降低噪音。
The system application fuzzy control technology, controls the soft start and the power balance of the belt conveyer, enhanced the belt conveyer performance characteristic and the automated level. 系统应用模糊控制技术,控制带式输送机的软启动和功率平衡,提高了带式输送机的运行性能和自动化水平。
Meanwhile, the belt wheel of the motor also transmits the power to a beating belt wheel. 同时电机带轮还将动力传送给拍打带轮。
Research on Principle of Multiple Drive Power Equilibrium for Belt Conveyor 带式输送机多机驱动功率平衡调整原理的研究
Selection of Braking Alternative for Long Distance and High Power Downward Belt Conveyor 长距离大功率下运带式输送机制动方案选择
This paper analyses a use of soft starting system for large power belt conveyor, such as controllable start system ( CST) and converter system. 选取CST可控软启动和变频控制2种在大功率带式输送机上应用的软启动进行分析,重点对带式输送机传动变频控制方法在中、高压领域的应用进行了详细讨论。
Analysis of Power Loss of Belt Drivers Brought by Belt Entering and Exiting the Groove V带传动带楔入、退出带轮轮槽摩擦损失分析
The calculation and analysis of creep friction power wastage in belt transmission 带传动滑动摩擦功率损耗的分析与计算
Application of Computer to Study on Driving Power of Synchronous Belt with Parabola Teeth 微机用于抛物线齿同步带传动强度理论的研究
This paper advances the method of calculating the power oftakeup in a belt conveyor. 提出了大型带式输送机张紧装置驱动功率的计算方法。
The application of power thermal insulation belt of self-limiting temperature in the condensate drainers on the gas pipes could well solve the problems due to thermal insulation by steam and guarantee smooth operation of the gas condensate drainers. 自限温电保温带应用在煤气冷凝水排放器上,能够很好地解决使用蒸汽采暖带来的弊端,保证煤气冷凝水排放器的良好运行。
The power distribution of separate rollers of a multi-roller conveyer is dealed with in this paper, by discussing the effect of following factors on power distribution for this kind of conveyer: motor power, belt stiffness, difference of roller radii and slip of rollers. 对分立传动多滚筒胶带输送机滚筒功率配比进行了分析,着重讨论了滚筒电机功率、胶带刚度、滚筒直径和滚筒滑差等因素对该机滚筒功率配比的影响。
In this system, fuzzy control technology is applied successfully in automatic soft starting and motor's power balance of belt conveyor, which can improve the automation level and control performance of belt conveyor. 在该系统中应用模糊控制技术,控制胶带机的软启动及功率平衡,以提高胶带机运行性能及自动化水平。
Thought that the liquid-viscosity driving device can biggest ameliorate the dynamic function of the long conveyance distance, big conveyance measures, big power belt conveyor, valid extend service life of the device. 认为液体粘性传动装置能极大改善长运距、大运量、大功率带式输送机的动态性能,有效延长设备的使用寿命。
Experimental Study on Power Saving for Belt Conveyors in Coal Stack Yard in Rizhao Port 日照港煤堆场皮带机节电试验研究
Recently, some reports mentioned that a high power V Belt was tested in 3.3L Van or Formula 1 racing cars, but CVT for large engines have not been put on the market yet. 最近有报告表明大功率的V型钢带已在3.3L带篷货车和赛车上进行试验,但对于大功率发动机的CVT仍未投放市场。
In this paper, the factors which caused power loss in belt drive, mainly in vbelt drive, are analyzed; 本文分析了带传动(主要是三角带传动)中引起功率损失的各个因素;
Study on High Power Belt Conveyor's Moderate Startup Equipment Experimental Platform 大功率带式运输机软起动装置试验台的研究
The Design and Application of the Booster Multi-drive for the Capacity Increase of the Power Belt 线摩擦驱动在强力带式输送机增大运量改造中的设计及应用
Calculation of rolling power for belt of zinc sheet by applying both Zhou empirical equation 应用双周经验公式计算锌板带轧制力
Study on the Calculation Method of Nominal Power of the V belt Drive with Inner Side Tension Pulley 具有内侧张紧轮时V带传动额定功率计算方法的研究
Calculation of Driving Power and Belt Tension of Rubber Belt Filter 固定室水平带式真空过滤机驱动功率及胶带张力计算
A calculating technique is also proposed to determine the service life and nominal power of the belt. 并给出一种能合理地确定胶带寿命和许用功率的计算方法。
This paper presents the design of the mechanic servo-system of the multi-dimensional coordinate measurement machine for measuring the size of the crystallizer, which mainly includes the design of the guide, power screw and belt drive. 文章介绍了多坐标结晶器内腔尺寸测量装置的机械伺服系统的设计,主要包括导轨、螺旋传动及带传动。
The Improvement of a Dust Collecting Device at the Coal Dropping Point of a Power Plant Coal-transport Belt 电厂输煤皮带落煤点吸尘装置的改进与实践
With the popularization and application of high yield and high efficiency coal mining technologies in the coal mine industry, the long-distance, large-capacity and high power belt conveyor is widely used. 随着煤矿行业高产高效采煤技术的推广与应用,长距离、大运量、大功率的带式输送机得到了广泛的应用。
As belt conveyors are currently developing in the direction of long span, high power, high belt speed, high stability, the research on dynamic design and starting stability of belt conveyors has become a new subject. 当前带式输送机正朝着长跨度、大功率、高带速、高稳定性的方向发展,带式输送机的动态设计及启动稳定性研究已成为新的课题。